EmacsConf 2024: General track (low-res)

Watch - Pad and Q&A links - Chat - Schedule | Tracks: General - Development | Tips for watching/participating
For better performance, we recommend watching https://live0.emacsconf.org/gen.webm using a streaming media player. Examples: If you have limited bandwidth, you can watch the low-res stream https://live0.emacsconf.org/gen-480p.webm. If you don't have a streaming media player, you might be able to watch using the player below. (Google Chrome seems to be having issues; Mozilla Firefox might work better. If watching from a phone, Google Chrome seems to work there, or download VLC from your phone's app store and use the URLs like https://live0.emacsconf.org/gen.webm .)
Watch - Pad and Q&A links - Chat - Schedule | Tracks: General - Development
sat-open (pad, Etherpad) - papers (pad, BBB) - project (pad, BBB) - org-update (pad, BBB) - color (pad, BBB) - theme (pad, BBB) - water (pad, #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: lispmacs) - shell (pad, #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: lispmacs) - casual (pad, BBB) - hyperdrive (pad, BBB) - writing (pad, BBB) - emacs30 (pad, BBB) - sat-close (pad, Etherpad) - sun-open (pad, Etherpad) - links (pad, Etherpad) - regex (pad, #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: cosmicexplorer) - learning (pad, Etherpad) - blee (pad, BBB) - hyperbole (pad, BBB) - pgmacs (pad, BBB) - literate (pad, BBB) - students (pad, #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: bardman) - sharing (pad, Etherpad) - transducers (pad, BBB) - sun-close (pad, Etherpad)

Watch - Pad and Q&A links - Chat - Schedule | Tracks: General - Development
Chat: emacsconf-gen on libera.chat

Watch - Pad and Q&A links - Chat - Schedule | Tracks: General - Development
Times are in Eastern Standard Time (America/Toronto, GMT-5). If you have Javascript enabled, clicking on talk pages should include times in your computer's local time setting.
Graphical view of the schedule Schedule for Saturday Saturday 9:00- 9:10 Saturday opening remarks sat-open 9:10- 9:20 Writing academic papers in Org-Roam papers 9:40-10:00 Managing writing project metadata with org-mode project 10:20-11:00 The Future of Org org-update 11:20-11:30 Colour your Emacs with ease color 1:00- 1:10 My journey of finding and creating the “perfect” Emacs theme theme 1:30- 1:45 Watering my (digital) plant with Emacs timers water 1:55- 2:35 Emacs as a shell shell 2:45- 3:05 Re-imagining the Emacs user experience with Casual Suite casual 3:25- 3:45 New in hyperdrive.el: quick install, peer graph, transclusion! hyperdrive 4:05- 4:15 Emacs Writing Studio writing 4:25- 4:50 Emacs 30 Highlights emacs30 5:00- 5:10 Saturday closing remarks sat-close 10:00-10:20 Gypsum: my clone of Emacs and ELisp written in Scheme gypsum 10:40-11:00 An experimental Emacs core in Rust rust 11:20-11:45 p-search: a local search engine in Emacs p-search 1:00- 1:10 Exploring shared philosophies in Julia and Emacs julia 1:25- 1:45 Beguiling Emacs: Guile-Emacs relaunched! guile 1:55- 2:05 Committing secrets with git using sops-mode secrets 2:25- 3:25 Elisp and McCLIM mcclim 3:45- 4:05 Emacs, eev, and Maxima - now! maxima 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM Schedule for Sunday Sunday 9:00- 9:10 Sunday opening remarks sun-open 9:10- 9:20 Unlocking linked data: replacing specialized apps with an Org-based semantic wiki links 9:30- 9:50 Emacs regex compilation and future directions for expressive pattern matching regex 10:00-10:20 Survival of the skillest: Thriving in the learning jungle learning 10:30-11:15 About Blee: enveloping our own autonomy directed digital ecosystem with Emacs blee 11:30-11:45 Fun things with GNU Hyperbole hyperbole 1:40- 1:55 PGmacs: browsing and editing PostgreSQL databases from Emacs pgmacs 2:15- 2:35 Literate programming for the 21st Century literate 3:00- 3:10 An example of a cohesive student workflow in Emacs students 3:20- 3:40 So you want to be an Emacs-fluencer? sharing 4:00- 4:30 Transducers: finally, ergonomic data processing for Emacs! transducers 4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks sun-close 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM

Saturday, Dec 7, 2024

9:00 - 9:10 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:sat-open
9:10 - 9:20 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:papers
Vincent Conus (he/him)
9:40 - 10:00 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:project
Blaine Mooers (he/him)
10:20 - 11:00 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:org-update
Ihor Radchenko
11:20 - 11:30 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:color
Ryota Sawada (he/him)
1:00 - 1:10 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:theme
MetroWind (he/him)
1:30 - 1:45 General Etherpad; Q&A: #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: lispmacs; id:water
Christopher Howard (he/him)
1:55 - 2:35 General Etherpad; Q&A: #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: lispmacs; id:shell
Christopher Howard (he/him)
2:45 - 3:05 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:casual
Charles Choi (he/him)
3:25 - 3:45 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:hyperdrive
Joseph Turner
4:05 - 4:15 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:writing
Peter Prevos (he)
4:25 - 4:50 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:emacs30
Philip Kaludercic
5:00 - 5:10 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:sat-close

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024

9:00 - 9:10 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:sun-open
9:10 - 9:20 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:links
Abhinav Tushar (he/him)
9:30 - 9:50 General Etherpad; Q&A: #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: cosmicexplorer; id:regex
Danny McClanahan (they/them)
10:00 - 10:20 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:learning
Bala Ramadurai (his/him)
10:30 - 11:15 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:blee
Mohsen BANAN (he/him)
11:30 - 11:45 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:hyperbole
Mats Lidell (he/him)
1:40 - 1:55 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:pgmacs
Eric Marsden (he/him)
2:15 - 2:35 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:literate
Howard Abrams (he/him)
3:00 - 3:10 General Etherpad; Q&A: #emacsconf-gen, speaker nick: bardman; id:students
Daniel Pinkston (he/him)
3:20 - 3:40 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:sharing
4:00 - 4:30 General Etherpad; Q&A: BBB; id:transducers
Colin Woodbury (he)
4:50 - 5:00 General Etherpad; Q&A: Etherpad; id:sun-close